Whitechapel Returns With Their Darkest Album ‘The Valley’

Tennessee metal icons Whitechapel released their seventh full-length studio album ‘The Valley’ in which the theme is “based on true events” exploring vocalist Phil Bozeman’s childhood struggles.

“Phil has been upfront in his lyrics in the past about hardships he endured in his life as a child, and I believe with this record we tried to paint a better picture of that. I feel our music is Phil’s release from his past, being able to get it out and speak about it, and hopefully anyone who hears it that may have gone through similar experiences can find some release in it as well.”

– Alex Wade, guitarist

“Sound-wise, it’s all over the place. There’s aggression, and then you’re hit with ominous and emotional guitar riffs. It’s mean, but then transfers to soft and inviting. It’s a whirlwind of emotions throughout.”

– Phil Bozeman, vocalist

‘The Valley’ is out via Metal Blade Records and is available for pre-order here: https://www.metalblade.com/whitechapel/

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