WATCH: Killerweil unveil new song and video “Skrullin’”

Metal band Killerweil released their new song and music video for “Skrullin’“.

Aside from the fictional comic book characters (Skulls), the songwriting of the song was inspired based on different news about false prophets or religious leaders around the globe. The persona in the song is someone who calls out those false prophets for their improper acts. In terms of musicality, we tried to fuse our different influences on thrash, progressive, and NU metal on this track.

Killerweil on Skrullin’

Killerweil are Weil Ylagan, Chislon Bolaños, Jeriel Fajutagana, and Cyro Albino on guitars, Popo Belez on bass, and Recher Policarpio – having come from different musical influences and appreciative of other metal-infused genres. Their influences vary such as Slipknot, Korn, Metallica, Valley of Chrome, Greyhoundz, Queso, etc.

Watch Skrullin’ here:

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