Pop rock band The Ones You Forgot share new single ‘Something For Me’

New Jersey-based pop/rock band The Ones You Forgot share new single “Something For Me“. Vivacious and packed with infectious energy, “Something For Me” is a true testament to the band’s diversity. Their first release since playing at the 25th Anniversary of the Vans Warped Tour, “Something For Me” paints a vivid picture of self-love, symbolizing new beginnings and evolution.

“Something For Me embraces the freedom of escaping an unhealthy relationship, and the struggle that unfortunately comes along with it. It’s all about realizing the love you deserve and learning that it’s not fair for you to keep waiting for respect, especially when you repeatedly ask for it. One of the most frustrating parts, is when you still crave that person even when you know they are only killing you from the inside out.”

The Ones You Forgot

Listen to Something For Me here.

Website- https://www.theonesyouforgot.com/
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/theonesyouforgot/
Twitter- https://twitter.com/toyfmusic/
Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/theonesyouforgot/

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