OVERSENSE pay tribute to the series ‘The Witcher’ with the re-recording of ‘White Wolf’

OVERSENSE is currently one of the most emerging bands the European Melodic Metal circus has to offer. The band around the charismatic frontman Danny Meyer, YouTube star guitarist Jasmin ‘Jassy J.’ Pabst, bass player Marco Volpert and drummer Patrick Lippert belongs to the hottest Melodic Metal bands of the last years, not only since a several weeks’ tour with Metal Queen Doro Pesch! Normally OVERSENSE would just be back from their UK tour with Secret Rule and Akoma, but Corona has also thwarted the German Melodic band. The tour has now been postponed to December. To cheer up their fans the single “White Wolf” (Quarantine version) has been released today via Dr. Music Records. OVERSENSE have used the lockdown to refresh the song of their debut EP “Dreamcatcher”. While the 2014 version was still about the game series “The Witcher”, the lyrics now deal with the current Netflix series of the same title. Recorded, mixed and mastered by frontman Danny Meyer in his studio Meyer Media n’ Music, the song unfolds a fresh power that successfully stands out from the original. The single is also accompanied by the highly entertaining lockdown music video, which shows how the young musicians have spent the last months at home.

The brand new OVERSENSE single ‘White Wolf‘ is now available at these download shops and streaming services: Amazon | iTunes | Google Play | SMStracks | Spotify | Apple Music | Tidal

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