Cagayan De Oro Dream Pop Band KRNA Share New Single ‘In Time’

Cagayan de Oro City dream pop band KRNA consisting of KC Salazar, Janro Abian, Francis Ramos and Rotsanjani Mojica, released their single “In Time” under Melt Records. Two years after the release of their EP, KRNA revealed their new elements that defines the band’s next era. ‘In Time‘ is about the complex decision of staying with or leaving that which causes you misery. A sonic narrative on making difficult choices and taking a stand on your decisions despite the cost, towards the ultimate goal of self acceptance. This is a song to keep you company through the many difficult times ahead. 

For “In Time,” KC was initially inspired to write for a friend, but the song later evolved into something more personal. The lyrics start by painting an optimistic outlook for the future while forgetting pain from the past, but the persona eventually realizes you have the choice to still have a good life while living with that pain. It’s our choices that make us who we are. 

Listen to ‘In Time‘ here.

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