Australian punk band Father Deer Hands perform a ‘Factory Reset’ in new single

Factory Reset was written by Father Deer Hands and recorded, mixed, mastered by Clayton Segelov & Angie Watson at The Brain Recording Studios and the accompanying video was directed, filmed, and edited by Amy McIntosh of AyeMehMac Photography. Hailing from the suburbs of Sydney, Father Deer Hands are a quintessentially Australian Melodic/Punk Hardcore outfit of loud technical guitars, huge drums, percussive and sludgy bass lines and dynamic vocals. A band of friends who want to go against the grain of standard heavier roots in music with a love of all styles of music and a desire to express that in their own way. 

“…a song about something I’ve come quite familiar with over the course of my life, which is losing. My whole life I’ve tried to hold onto things that are fleeting, and every time they went away I’d always blame myself. I still hate myself for the way I’ve let people treat me and everything I’ve lost along the way, but I’ve come to realise that nothing lasts forever. Life comes in unpredictable waves, one minute you’re on top and the next you’re drowning, either you can wipe out every time or learn to ride with it.

Vocalist Matthew Betmalik says that Factory Reset

Watch and stream Factory Reset here.

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