GYHT Talks About New Single ‘Fight Flight Freeze’ & Their Album Launch

Electronic shoegaze band fro Rizal, GYHT recently released their new single ‘Fight Flight Freeze’ from their album ‘Life Is A Simulation’.

Fight Flight Freeze is based on my personal experience.
If you look into the meaning of Fight Flight Freeze response, it is the body’s automatic, built-in system designed to protect us from threat or danger. Anxiety can also trigger this system into action when we believe there is threat or danger even if there is not.
I was diagnosed with panic disorder. It’s been a year now since the first time it happened. I literally think that I am going to die. Shortness of breath, choking, numbness, and feeling that I will faint, I do not know what to do anymore. There are times that I feel tired and weary because I think that it might happen again in public places, that I am not in a safe environment.That’s why in the lyrics there’s a line “How could I let it go? Could I let it go? How?”
The worst part is when someone tell you to “just relax, do not worry, or stop thinking about it.” I wish it were that easy. (Lyrics: Temporary consolation, don’t ask me what’s wrong, you will never understand)
As time goes by, I finally accepted that I have this disorder because the harder I ward it off, the more I suffer. Like go ahead, have a panic attack, nothing bad will happen.
In order to survive, I need to face this battle everyday, and I guess I have to live with it. (Lyrics:Tomorrow is another battle another imminent danger, I guess I have to live with it.).

Rosan – Vocalist, GYHT

Life Is A Simulation Album Launch

GYHT’s EP album consists of four songs will be released on September 27 2019 at Mow’s Matalino QC. See poster for more details.

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